French Video Collections For The Classroom






Bienvenue! As a Core French teacher, I spend a lot of time online searching for appropriate and engaging videos for my students. I have created this webpage to share video collections in order to expedite planning and to have all thematic videos accessible in one helpful spot.

For Halton Primary Core French teachers, you can access grade links where themes are broken up over the three years according to our lesson plans.

For all primary teachers, you can click on "Primary By Theme" to have easy access to all primary collections based on themes. Note that these videos work equally well in Primary Immersion classes.

Junior videos are organized by theme under "Junior By Theme." These videos are suitable for Junior Core French as well as Primary and Junior Immersion. Intermediate students sometimes like to rock out to these classics as well!

Consider using this site as a listening centre in your classroom with your primary and junior students. This works best if students have headphones and clear instructions of what themes to visit. I did this with my students this year and they loved it! They sang along at their desks as I conferenced with small groups of students!

Monthly Features:
Each month, I will post a new video that you can feature in your classroom for the month. I may include printable activities as well as helpful links so be sure to check this out on the homepage and check out the Archives for past videos.

Occasional Teachers:
This is a great site to use when supplying in a Core French class for the day. Be sure to check out the "Pour Bouger" section in both Primary and Junior to get students up and moving.

This site includes many engaging videos that encourage students to sing along in French as well as learn new vocabulary in a fun way. It is a great way to introduce your child to the French language at home or to reinforce what they are learning at school. A few minutes a night can go a long way!

Don't forget to bookmark the site to help you access it quickly!





E-mail to suggest another great video.