Monthly Feature







les vacances de mars


With March Break around the corner, I thought it might be a great time to review activities that students like and also modes of transportation as they want to talk about this for March Break.






Les Moyens de Transport

Below you will find a video and a survey looking at modes of transportations, as well as a link that takes you to a webpage that has a great list of of these and clearly explains the difference between à and en.


Apprendre les transports                                       Sondage                                           Lien web


Les Activités

Below you will find a video and a survey looking at activities that can be done on the March Break.  Also included is a link that takes you to a webpage that has a great visual list of different sports.


    Montrez-moi vos mains! - Gregg Le Rock                         Sondage                                           Lien web





E-mail to suggest another great video.