Monthly Feature







La rentrée 2020


Check out these resources to help you start your 2020 school year.

In the spirit of "See you later alligator!," use this resource to make greeting your students daily a fun ritual:) These resources are an adaptation of Madame Summer Harris' amazing greetings. Merci à Madame Harris pour cette merveilleuse ressource!






Les Salutations - Les Animaux - Handout



  Les Salutations - Les Animaux                             Les Salutations - Les Animaux

                        Google Slide                                 Pronunciation (using Google Read&Write)


These videos address hand washing and wearing a mask. View in advance to determine appropriate grade level.


Chanson pour se laver les mains:                                Ce masque bleu - Parodie       

              JE LAVE MES MAINS                                      Lisa Pariente et Alex Fredo            





E-mail to suggest another great video.